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Royals Dance Clinic

Online Registration


Don’t miss out on the Ridge Point Royals Dance Clinic! Our dance clinic is open to students age K through 12. Your dancer will learn a choreographed routine taught by the Royals dance team, eat doughnuts, play games and have tons of FUN!


Date: Saturday, November 2nd​

Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm​

Registration and check-in starting at 8:30 am​

(show-off for parents at 11:45 am)

Where: Ridge Point High School Gymnasium

Deadline to register and guarantee a t-shirt: October 18th

Cost: $50 per dancer until Oct.18th—includes instruction, t-shirt, and a mid-morning snack.

$60 (CASH or CC only) walk-up registration—includes instruction & a mid-morning snack.


​Ages: K-12, there will be an advanced level class for middle school and high school dancers looking to try out for Royals.


Please send your dancer dressed in athletic wear and tennis shoes.Your dancer will change in to their dance clinic t-shirt (included in registration) on arrival. Please note that t-shirts are only guaranteed if registered by October 18th. Please drop off your dancer no earlier than 9:00 am at the Main Gym and arrive back at 11:45 am to watch the show-offs.


All dancers will also receive a complimentary General Admission ticket to the 2024 Royals Spring Show to be held on May 1-3, 2025, in the RPHS Auditorium. Ticket information will be emailed in April of 2025.

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